COVID-19: Sovereignty in the Age of a Pandemic

Dr Danielle Roberts - COVID-19.jpg

In the age of a pandemic, personal sovereignty and critical thinking are essential.

Over the years, I became aware of the corruption that has seeped into the vaccination industry.

More than 10 years ago, I learned that there is a lack of long-term quality studies, comparison studies with proper controls and a resistance to running these studies, but the industry has been withholding from the public any negative science that has been obtained.

I saw a movement where the establishment sought to infringe on our right to choose what is injected into our bodies, manipulating the very foundation upon which doctors stand for to be able to make informed decisions to protect and nurture the welfare of our patients, families and communities.

I have devoted much of my time and efforts to understanding and questioning the science of vaccination, the physiology of our immune systems, contagion theories, vaccine ingredients, the possible ways in which it interacts in our bodies, and the effectiveness or lack thereof.

As a result, I have become a huge proponent of our right to choose and our right to quality, unbiased, uncensored, scientific information.

This became particularly important last year with the COVID “Pandemic.”

I am seeing the same problems with the industry that I observed as far back as 2010, only now it has been exponentially amplified.

There is censorship of information on the internet, controlling our right to information and free thought. There is incentivized, and therefore skewed, data reporting, falsely increasing the morbidity and mortality tolls from “COVID.”

There is poor and limited science around this vaccination and the disease process itself.

There are outright lies being made by Governor Cuomo and the Department of Health claiming that the FDA has approved this vaccine and it has been through the same “rigorous testing practices” as previous vaccines, when it hasn’t.

[These claims have finally been redacted as an effect of legal action taken by ICAN against these entities for misinformation.]

There are people dying that do not need to die as a result of politically controlled medical practices and hundreds of thousands of people, families and businesses losing their livelihoods and becoming dependent on the government for their income.

They are stripping many of their ability to support and produce for themselves and creating financial dependency, and it is hard not to suspect that a dependent population is more easily controlled.

The end and perhaps desired result is that the public will have no other choice than to use their effects management, sick care system – keeping us sick and controlled.

They are using fear tactics, and social pressures in the media to slowly strip us of our rights, one at a time, not forcibly, but incrementally, and insidiously.

Look what we have lost already: Our right to cover or not cover our faces, to gather with others or stay home, to operate our businesses, to choose to expose ourselves to disease or avoid exposure, and there is a movement afoot to strip us of the right to inject ourselves or not.

If this continues, free travel, employment, gym membership, and many other freedoms we currently take for granted will become options only if we comply with their pandemic regulations.

Because so few people know how their bodies work, science works, and vaccines work, it becomes difficult for people to evaluate the science and make good decisions for themselves.

When the mainstream media inundates us with fear-inciting headlines and jarring news our bodies can go into a state of fight or flight and accessing our executive faculties can become more difficult.

If we allow ourselves to become overwhelmed with financial issues, figuring out how to transition everything online, home schooling, isolation, and other issues, questioning the narrative or recommendations in the media becomes a lower priority.

We may be more likely to merely accept what is being fed to us, and the new norm.

We must stay vigilant. We must question.

We must come together to talk and explore issues; and learn from those with knowledge and opinions on both sides.

Then we must take action which is right for us.

This is a major problem for the health and wellbeing of our country, our minds, our bodies and the very bases of what makes us human -- consciousness and free thought.

I will be leading monthly meetings for people to come together to explore these issues more deeply and help us make better decisions for ourselves, and children and the future of our world.

Side bar:

I have had the awesome privilege to work with Dr. Lawrence Palevsky in my residency training back in 2010. At that time, I had my own facts, opinions and intuitions about vaccination, its efficacy, and its possible effects on the body based on my experience of my own body, watching and working with other’s bodies and scientific study.

While working with Dr. Palevsky, many of my observations were corroborated by his vast experience with children, and the impressive scientific repository he had complied as part of his life’s work healing and caring for children. I watched many vaccine injured children start to heal the inflammation in their gut and brains and start to break free of the “spectrum glaze” they had developed after being vaccinated to find a connection with the outside world again.

It was during this same residency program where the Department of Health tried to mandate vaccination for all health care workers. At the time, we had to wear a mask around the hospital if we refused to get the flu shot. It was very reminiscent of what we are all experiencing today. Of course, this was 10 years ago, and for the 10 years in between then and now doctors who weren’t vaccinated were not required to wear masks. Interesting.

That year I went to Washington DC to fight for our rights as human beings with free will to choose what is injected into our bodies.


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